Working towards a greener future
Colorific believe in working towards a greener and more sustainable future. Sustainability is a key consideration when designing and developing new products and the business is always proactive in looking for new and creative ways to improve sustainable practices.
Colorific products strive to reduce waste through utilising recyclable materials where possible and designing packaging to increase transport efficiency. Colorific ensure that all manufacturing partners align with the business’ values through regular checks and due diligence. Ethical sourcing of materials guarantees customers are getting top quality products whilst minimising the environmental impact. Responsible disposal of products and packaging is encouraged with the clear display of recyclability and disposal guidelines on all product packs.

Sustainable practices being introduced

Removing unnecessary waste & “packaging in packaging”

Continuous evaluation
of material sources

Optimising for freight, reducing “dead space” in containers

Clear display of recyclability on all product packs, plus responsible disposal guidelines
in instructions

Minimising pack size to suit contents whilst still appealing to consumer tastes

Signatory to the Australia Packaging Covenant since 2012
Australian Packaging Covenant
Colorific is proud to be a signatory of the Australian Packaging Covenant. The Australian Packaging Covenant (APC) is a sustainable packaging initiative which aims to change the culture of business to design more sustainable packaging, increase recycling rates and reduce packaging litter.
For more information on the program, please visit: http://www.packagingcovenant.org.au/